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We understand that having the conversation about substance use with your teens may be difficult or feel uncomfortable at first. But it is an important discussion to have, and could potentially save them from being in a dangerous situation later on down the road. That is why we want to arm parents with enough information that you can be prepared to have that conversation and be able to answer questions your teens may have when you talk. We want to provide you with enough tools to help guide you in talking to your teens and what you can do to make it be a part of a regular conversation.
If you took our quiz you may have been surprised by some of the answers. For further information on youth alcohol and marijuana use and prevention please visit those sections on alcohol and marijuana on our website.
Below, you will find some helpful tips on how to talk to your teens about not using substances.
Reference: https://www.samhsa.gov/underage-drinking/parent-resources
For more information visit SAMHSA’s website for other tools and resources for preventing underage drinking and substance use.
If you took our quiz you may have been surprised by some of the answers. For further information on youth alcohol and marijuana use and prevention please visit those sections on alcohol and marijuana on our website.
Below, you will find some helpful tips on how to talk to your teens about not using substances.
- Remember that you are the greatest influence in your child’s life (even when it seems like they may not be listening).
- Be supportive and encourage your child to ask questions.
- Discuss your concerns and reasons why substance use is harmful.
- Provide clear household rules with your children about not using substances and be sure to enforce those rules.
- Start the conversation early. You don’t have to wait for your child to become a teen before you talk to them about the dangers of substance use.
- Talk to them about the consequences of what can happen when youth use substances.
- Let your child know that they can always come to you to talk and to ask for help.
- Provide a “code word” or phrase that your child can use to ask for your help if they find themselves in a bad situation and are unable to speak openly in the environment they are in.
- Ask questions when your child is leaving the house: Where are they going? Who will they be with? What will they be doing?
- For more information visit talkitover.org for tips to speak to your child at any age.
Reference: https://www.samhsa.gov/underage-drinking/parent-resources
For more information visit SAMHSA’s website for other tools and resources for preventing underage drinking and substance use.
Teens are under so much pressure to fit in, speak to your kids about not using alcohol. When they are away from home provide them with a way that they can have an “out” if they are feeling pressure to drink.